Haulage recession coming to an end?


After six years of stagnation and decline whilst not wishing to tempt providence, the recession certainly in the Haulage sector, appears to be very much coming to an end.

This is obviously great news, however this brings its own distinct challenges. With fewer resources available as a result of the recession and increasing demand, increased vehicle and driver shortages are already becoming apparent, and this even before the impact of the driver CPC is known, inevitably further impacting on availability.

So finding ways of tapping into a diverse and extensive pool of transport resource through a single point of contact on a pay as you go basis,  is becoming more attractive to a growing number of transport operators and buyers.

Helping retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers and other transport companies, a 4PL such as  X2 can help mitigate some of these pressures. With 100’s of haulier partners we can support businesses with a range of transport services right across the UK, moving anything from single pallets to multiple full loads.

Please follow the links below to see how we might be able to help you, or people you are connected with in our industry.

https://x2uk.com/?page_id=123                Supporting Manufacturers

https://x2uk.com/?page_id=130                Supporting Retailers

https://x2uk.com/?page_id=425                Supporting Transport companies

Likewise to satisfy growing demand we are looking to extend our relationships with new and existing haulier partners looking for efficiency gains and infill work for their fleets.

Feel free to get in touch to discuss any opportunities.


Thanks, Ian

01455220909 or 07771944619