Transport and distribution has been ranked third for cyber preparedness, with almost four out of five businesses in the sector having a dedicated cyber security role, according to a survey.

The research from Hiscox found 65% of transport companies have cyber insurance and almost half (48%) prioritising the review of their internal cybersecurity policies and procedures over the next 12 months.

The sector was ranked third for being the most prepared for a cyber event, behind media and telecoms and the food and drink industry.

Travel and leisure, retail and wholesale and business services industries were ranked as the most at risk.

Hiscox said possible explanations for this included changes in behaviour precipitated by the pandemic-related lockdowns, an increase in consumer online spending and international travel bans.

However, not everyone in transport may agree with the findings.

One source working in IT services for haulage firms recently told that few people working in the sector ask how safe software is before investing in it: “The transport industry has by and large been a little bit complacent about its data,” the source said.

“They think it’s about the big banks and that criminals are not interested in the transport industry.

“But that’s not true; data is data.”